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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

The name of a book I read is Tales Of a Fourth Grade Nothing by: Judy Blume. The story takes place in modern New York. The characters are Peter,a 9-year-old boy, and his brother Fudge, a 2-year-old boy. The problem is that Fudge keeps on messing up everything and gets all the attention, and makes Peter fell like nothing.
For example, at the park Peter's mom leaves Fudge and puts a girl named Shelia Tubman in charge of Fudge. Then Shelia goofs off and plays and Fudge climbs to the top of a playground and tries to fly. But he can't so he fell down and knocked his two front teeth out. But Peter's mom blamed Peter even though Shelia was in charge of Fudge. This made peter feel like nothing.
Another example of Fudge getting all the attention and making Peter feel like nothing is when they went to the dentist and the nurse pays more attention to Fudge than Peter. Then Fudge won't open his mouth and the dentist uses Peter to make Fudge open his mouth. This makes Peter feel like nothing.
At the end of the book. Peter's problem is solved when Fudge eats Peter's turtle. . And he goes to the hospital and everyone pays attention to Fudge but when they get the turtle out, Peter's parents realized that they been letting Fudge take all the attention and to make it up to Peter they get him a dog. Then Peter feels like something.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The economy is falling apart because of stores going bankrupt and banks also. Most adults know this, but children? Most children do not know because no one tells them. So I'm going to tell you children but adults you already know this. A bankrupt happens when not enough people go to a store. So the store doesn't make that much money. So the problem is that the store owner needs to pay for everything[products, A.C.,employees,and e.t.c.]. Then the store does not have enough money. Now you might be asking,"But what causes customers to not buy products?"The answer is TAXES. PEOPLE ARE GETTING TAXED MORE AND SO THEY WANT TO SAVE MONEY. So they stop spending that much money and stores lose money. And the store closes down.
There is another type of bankrupt. It's the one about banks. When people loan money they take money from a bank because they want a house but they have to pay the bank back per a month, the money given to the bank is called mortgage. And the person also haves to give some extra money because the bank wants to earn money. Some banks failed to check the persons background and how much money they earn. So when the person fails to pay back the bank the bank takes the house. So say a person uses a loan from the bank to pay for a $500,000 house. HE fails to pay the mortgage and the bank takes the house but the house is only $300,000. So the bank loses money. And it also closes down.
There are people who try to save stores and banks. Some succeeded and others failed. But I won't be getting into that now.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Great Earthquake

The eager earthquake trembled like a mad man. Buildings toppled on to the ground. The noise of the distance screams and falling buildings was so loud my head almost popped off. The earth shacked like the world was going to crack in half. Cracks in the earth dashed toward you like lighting striking. The toppling towers fell like books pushed over. Fired raced for things like racers trying to get to the finish line. Everyone ran like a evil lord has come back alive and is destroying everything in sight until it was a wasteland. Electric wires from building shocked and sprayed shocks every where and burned. After the quake people were as happy as kids after Christmas Eve.