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Monday, June 23, 2008


  1. What do you call a chicken that doesn't where sunblock? - a fried chicken
  2. Did you hear about the guy who fell in love with his pants? -he wed his pants
  3. What do mosquitos give computer hackers? -Megabytes
  4. Why did the bee join the rock band? -To be the lead stinger
  5. Why did the camper leave his watch behind? -because it was full of ticks
  6. Why should you invite the sun to your party? -it knows how to break the ice
  7. Why did moron tear a page out of his calender? -he wanted to take a month off
  8. What do you call a student that studies hives? -a B-student
  9. What is a pirate's two favorite letters of the alphabet?-C and Arrrr
  10. How do you scramble an egg?-like this:ne gag

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